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Below is an example schedule of how our day will unfold.
We adjust the daily schedule based on your child's specific needs.
8:OO am - 9:15 am
9:15 am -9:45 am
Healthy snacks
9:45 am - 10:15 am
Free Play
10:15 am -11:30 am
12:15 pm
Story Time
12:45 pm - 3:00 pm
Nap time
3:30 pm - 3:45 pm
3:45 pm - 4:30 pm
Play and Pick up time
11:3O am - 12:30 pm
Healthy Lunch
Of course, parents are welcome to pick up their children at any convenient time throughout the day.
Infant schedules and feedings are based on the individual needs of the infant.
Bella Daycare gives the children the opportunity to learn Italian at the development periods in their lives when language is most effortlessly aquired. We use the program, "Teaching Strategies For Early Childhood, The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care, Second Edition."

At Bella Daycare, communication, music and movement are very important parts of the curriculum. Arts and crafts are also a prominent feature. In addition, we believe that children need to develop certain skills appropriate to their age level. Number, shape and color recognition are introduced. Older children learn phonics as an introduction to reading. We also partner with you to potty train your child.
Please give your child breakfast in the morning or bring breakfast in for your child. For those who don’t have a special diet, we will provide a morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and, if necessary, dinner. For infants, please bring prepared bottles and/or any other special foods. Please inform us if heating is necessary. If your child is on a special diet and will not eat or drink the beverages here at the day care, you will be required to bring your child a nutritious meal and special beverage from home. Parents who have children with identified food allergies should provide alternative snacks and meals. Please notify us when your child begins drinking regular milk.

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